Quien Soy (About Me)

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I have a severe TBI & my journey to recovery has just begun. My favorite colors are green, & navy blue ---ESPAÑOL--- Tengo Una lesión en el cerebro muy severa y my camino hacia mi recuperacion ha empezado. Mis colores favoritos son Azul Marino y Verde

Saturday, May 14, 2011

- Olga P.U.S.H.ing at home in May

Home for almost a month and many questions come to mind.  Now what?    Is Olga making progress? When is she going to her next location or is she home for good?     Can she communicate?     Over 6 months ago in October, back when Olga was conscious and trying to understand what was happening, many of the same questions also came to mind.  Today, Olga has been remarkably stable and making improvements. As perviously mentioned, TBI recovery takes time and patience and much dedication from many people - in particular the patient.  We have exhausted the efforts to identify a rehab facility in Mexico that could provide any help in her condition. Many of you have suggested and recommended many other places, but her condition prevents her from both being admitted to a facility and from benefitting from those programs.  At home Olga receives routine physical and sensorial therapy among other rehabilitation exercises that we have been able to do ourselves and when possible bring specialist to see her and make recommendations.

In the past week, Olga had a series of follow up appointments at the Neurology Institute in Mexico and are waiting for results and so far everything seems to be positive.  In the next couple of weeks she will continue with supplemental appointments like the eye doctor and dentist. Our family and closest friends are amazed at the progress Olga has shown since she was discharged from the hospital.  Here are some comments made.

"You know, I saw my cousin last Sunday, on her birthday, and she recognized me!!  I would even say she smiled to me!"

"Every time I visit you i see progress ... take it easy and keep going...."

"every time we cover her body, she knocks the cover over and ends up with her gown open" 

Our focus continues to provide Olga a more specialized or medically advanced rehabilitation opportunity as we are convinced that is what she needs to progress even further and give her the opportunity for a better recovery.  The first year following a brain injury, it is essential to help the patient with stimulation to aid with their brain plasticity. (click here to high level understand brain plasticity) All of our efforts in the past month have been with the transition from the hospital to home.  Our two biggest show-stoppers as you can imagine are money and time. With your help, we have done remarkably well with all the fundraising activities (see picture gallery).   We have raised over $23,000 in just over two months and the activities will continue.  THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT AND CONTRIBUTIONS with our fundraising activities.

Please continue to have Olga in your prayers as she continues on her Journey to Recovery.  We are so thankful to the great support she has been given from all over.  Her story has reached over 15 countries and we hope that somehow her story contributes to other families with TBI patients. We would be happy to answer questions you might have.  It is a long journey and we are just getting started.  Please continue to P.U.S.H. (pray until something happens) as God has given Olga the challenge to bring people together.  We are faithful that Olga will continue to be one of his biggest miracles.
Until next post, God bless and continue to P.U.S.H.

Sunday, May 8, 2011




Wish Olga a Happy Birthday by posting a message on the blog or her FB page.

Olga continues to show progress. In addition to her regular physical therapy, she is now getting sensory therapy. It has been almost a month since she was discharged from the hospital and is now at home together with her husband Ivan. The transition has been very positive.  It is hard to describe the positive changes she exhibits. We are excited of the challenges ahead and look forward to her recovery and rehab in the US.

Our family cannot find words to express the HUGE sense of gratitude we have for all of her supporters and everyone else who has been by her side since her journey began.  It has been 2 months since we started the blog and we have passed the 10,000 visits; we have followers from over 15 countries, we are nearing the 20% mark of our fund raiser goal and most importantly, Olga is moving forward one baby step at a time.

Please continue to share the blog.  Should you have any questions please feel free to post them on the blog.

Thank you again for your support.  If you would like to make a donation, please click on the DONATE button on the right hand side bar.

Until the next post, god bless.